How to Conduct an Organization’s Election of Board Members

Board members are elected by their peers to represent the shareholders’ interests and make major decisions for the company. The process for election varies by organization. Some organizations allow nominations by the committee, while others use Robert’s Rules of Order for the selection of board members. In either case, it’s vital to set clear rules and procedures for the process.

The process of recruiting candidates is ongoing to ensure that the board has the capabilities and expertise required to fulfill the organization’s goals and mission. The nominating committee will interview each candidate to determine whether the candidate is a good fit with the skills experiences, experience, and viewpoints to be a member of the board. Additionally, the nominating committee should take into account if the organisation is in need new expertise in areas like marketing and fundraising; strategic planning; and diversity and inclusion.

When the nominating committee is able to compile a list of qualified candidates they will present them to the board to be approved. The board will review all candidates and decide on the list of nominees which will be put to a members of the board for a vote. In addition to the vote the board will also look over any candidates that were not selected to the slate and select individuals to be appointed to the board as directors-at-large. The directors will be voted on by the full board at a later date. In many instances, the nominees will not be present at the time of voting so that the board can discuss their qualifications and ask questions in an informal setting.